Special guided tour "Triegel meets Cranach. The Altar of Mary in Naumburg Cathedral".



02 Dec 2023




Naumburg Cathedral
Cathedral Square 16/17, 06618 Naumburg (Saale)


3,00 € plus cathedral entrance fee

Lucas Cranach the Elder created a three-panel altarpiece for the Marian altar in the west choir of Naumburg in 1519. The central section of the retable, which depicts the Virgin and Child, was destroyed in 1541 as part of an anti-image campaign. As a result, the west choir lost its patron saint. The large-format side wings, on the other hand, have survived the centuries and were previously exhibited in the Naumburg Cathedral treasury vault. After more than 500 years, the two original wings were supplemented with a newly created central section and predella by Leipzig artist Michael Triegel. With this altarpiece, the west choir of Naumburg Cathedral has temporarily regained its liturgical centerpiece.

After the Marian altar went on an exhibition tour in December 2022, during which it was first shown in the Paderborn Diocesan Museum before being moved to Klosterneuburg Abbey near Vienna, it will return to the west choir of Naumburg Cathedral on December 2, 2023.

The special tour explains the history and symbolism of the historic altarpiece and the background to the "Triegel meets Cranach" project.

Please buy a ticket in time via our Online shop or contact us via our visitor centre every Friday at 6.30 pm from the end of June to the end of October.

On December 2 and 3, 2023, Naumburg Cathedral can be visited at a reduced admission price. The Vereinigte Domstifter will grant a 20 percent discount on the regular admission price. The cathedral garden, cathedral treasury and the "Naumburg Masters" exhibition will be closed on both days and a small Christmas market with regional arts and crafts will be held in the cloisters from 1 pm.

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