Angela Merkel meets Uta von Ballenstedt

"It is a great honour for us that we were able to present a medieval fragment of Naumburg Cathedral to our Chancellor at the Cultural Summer Night in Saxony-Anhalt's state representation in Berlin last night and that Mrs Merkel took the time for a conversation and a photo with Uta", reports the director of Vereinigte Domstifter, Dr Holger Kunde, after the successful evening.

Angela Merkel informed herself about the World Heritage Sites in Saxony-Anhalt during the Cultural Summer Night. Regarding the fragment from Naumburg Cathedral she said: "I am very grateful that I have received an original piece from this Naumburg Cathedral, now I don't know if there is a gap in the cathedral now, or if it has been replaced, or if I have to worry about damages". Dr. Holger Kunde was able to reassure the Chancellor: The tracery created by the Naumburg Master's workshop dates from the mid-13th century and is made of Freyburg shell limestone. It was replaced in the course of a restoration campaign in the 19th century.

Afterwards Angela Merkel took the opportunity to take a photo with the Walking Act, an employee of the cathedral dressed as Uta von Ballenstedt. Together with the most beautiful woman of the Middle Ages in one picture, she gladly took time for that, she said afterwards.

The Vereinigte Domstifter pleased when Angela Merkel visits Naumburg Cathedral again. She has already had the opportunity to do so, firstly in her function as patron of the Saxony-Anhalt State Exhibition 2011 "The Naumburg Master - Sculptor and Architect in the Europe of Cathedrals" and already before that in a personal conversation with the artist Neo Rauch after the completion of the Elisabeth windows.

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