
In August and September, lunchtime prayers will again take place every Thursday in Naumburg Cathedral from 12.00-12.30 pm.

On Saturday, 21 September 2024, the oratorio "The Creation" by Josef Hayden will be performed. Due to the preparations and rehearsals, there may be restrictions on viewing. We ask for your understanding.

On Friday, 18 October 2024, Naumburg Cathedral and the adjoining areas will not open until 11 a.m. due to a church service. We ask for your understanding.

Welcome to the UNESCO-World Heritage Site of Naumburg Cathedral

Naumburg Cathedral is one of the most important cultural monuments of the European High Middle Ages, and its architecture, stained glass and sculptures are unique in the world. This was also confirmed by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in June 2018, which declared the cathedral a World Heritage Site.

The cathedral is an institution of the Vereinigte Domstifter zu Merseburg und Naumburg und des Kollegiatstifts Zeitz, a non-profit foundation under public law.

Download the audio guide for your visit to Naumburg Cathedral here.



Naumburg Cathedral view of east choir_across_United Cathedral Founders_Falko Matte

Patrons wanted - new donation project for Naumburg Cathedral

The church is donated to them, they give it their name and stand on it in a sublime and protective manner: the patron saints of Naumburg Cathedral St. Peter and St. Paul.

Learn more about the project and help to preserve the patron saints.

Alter Bischofshof - Pension at the Naumburg Cathedral

Stay overnight on the sunny side of the Naumburg Cathedral in the Old Bishop's Court.

Triegel meets Cranach - The altar of Mary in Naumburg Cathedral

Learn here all about the unique work of art that returned to Naumburg Cathedral in December 2023.


Opening Hours
Monday to Saturday9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday/religious festivals11 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Monday to Saturday10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sunday/religious festivals12 noon to 4 p.m.
Christmas Eve9 a.m. to 12 noon

Further information on our opening hours... 

Unannounced work in the cathedral can also impair the view of individual works of art. Restrictions on opening hours are possible in the cathedral due to church services, concerts and weddings. Services on Sundays and church holidays 10.00-12.00. Thank you for your understanding!

Admission Prices
 Individual visitor including audio guideGroup of 15+ with a booked guided tour
Adult9,50 €9,00 €
Student, trainee, recipient of citizen's allowance, severely disabled from GdB 50, FSJ participant6,00 € 
School-aged children3,00 € 
Family ticket23,00 € 

Further information on admission prices...

guided tours

Individual Visitors
Monday to Thursday 10.00 14.00 Watch
Friday to Saturday 10.00 14.00 16.00 Watch
Sunday/religious festivals 12.00 14.00 16.00 Watch
November till March
Monday to Thursday 11.00 Watch
Friday to Saturday 11.00 14.00 Watch
Sunday/religious festivals 12.00 14.00 Watch
We recommend that you register for the public cathedral tours via our visitor service. High up on the towers or deep into the cathedral archives: discover our Special guided tours.

Experience world heritage

The cathedral is one of the most important cultural monuments of the European High Middle Ages, its architecture, stained glass and sculpture are unique in the world.

The KinderDomBauhütte introduces children and young people, but also adults, to the fascinating world of 13th century building lodges.

Virtual tour

Vereinigte Domstifter zu Merseburg und Naumburg und des Kollegiatstifts Zeitz

This public foundation’s roots date back to the 10th century. The Vereinigte Domstifter (Combined Cathedral Chapters of Merseburg and Naumburg and the Collegiate Church of Zeitz) oversee the administration of both Naumburg and Merseburg Cathedrals, plus the Chapter Library in Zeitz and various other properties. Today, the foundation’s remit includes preserving its rich cultural heritage and promoting current services with benefits for society.

Merseburg Imperial Cathedral

The Cathedral’s foundation stones were laid 1,000 years ago by the Holy Roman Emperor and King of Germany Henry II and his wife Cunigunde, the only Emperor and Empress to be canonised. The bishopric of Merseburg gained widespread renown thanks to Bishop Thietmar who recorded European events of his time in a world-famous chronical. Priceless works of art transport visitors back to the middle ages. A number of organ recitals throughout the year, provides visitors to the Cathedral with the opportunity to experience the unique sound of the romantic-era Ladegast organ. The organ was chosen by George Clooney as the central element in the finale of his film “The Monuments Men”.

Zeitz Chapter Library

The chapter library in Zeitz hosts a large number of extraordinary treasures. The oldest and most important literary collection in Saxony-Anhalt includes items dating back to the middle ages and early modern period. It is unique to find so many historical items together in one place, and on display across several grand rooms. A life-sized statue of Bishop Julius Pflug welcomes visitors into his study.

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